Sunday, December 22, 2013




i was the strong one
they came to me
'marry the girl' i answered
or 'don't trade with him' or
'it is what it is'
my catch was good

everyone knew him
he carpentered with his father
or wandered the wastelands
listening to desert men
who found other ways than work

that morning he stood on the rise
watching us load our nets
'come' he called
'i will make you a fisher of men'

who knows why
a man does a thing--
i followed him

for me it was never easy
listening to him cast nets of words
and things telling cannot reach

but i stood for him
even when he cautioned
i said 'i believe
i would lay down my life'
again he cautioned

i didn't know i didn't know
until the cock crow
ended the night i denied him
three times

                  like he said


  1. Such a beautifully written poem and so expressively read.

    Thank you, I so enjoyed listening.


  2. I just came back to this Edward. The words go so deep, mean so much to me.

    We all deny him in some way or another, but I know he is ever forgiving.

